What is Thera T

Thera-T offers a novel, transformative, patient-centered approach to treating kidney disease through a pleasant bubble tea rather than the expensive and physiologically exhausting process of dialysis.

The Problem

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) afflicts over 850 million people worldwide, 37 million people in the US, and is the 10th leading cause of death in the US. In CKD toxins accumulate in the blood, and they are recognized as major mediators of CVD risk, cognitive dysfunction, and risk of disease progression to kidney failure. Currently, other than removal by dialysis, there are no highly effective strategies for removing exposure to these uremic toxins.

However, Dialysis is a costly treatment that decreases the quality of life significantly and there are no effective alternatives on the market (except for transplant, a highly rationed resource). Therefore, we critically need alternative detoxification strategies for improved kidney health outcomes and quality of life.

The Solution

Our innovation aims to delay or prevent the need for dialysis or kidney transplantation and stop the progression of toxin-mediated kidney and cardiovascular dysfunction; hence, providing a disruptive technology compared to existing concepts. As opposed to the expensive, time consuming and physiologically stressful treatment of conventional dialysis, our approach leverages the idea of “bubble tea”, a popular beverage containing tapioca ‘bubbles’ in tea.

However, the “bubbles” in our tea will be functionalized hydrogel beads that contain a variety of microbes, enzymes, and chemical binders capable of removing uremic toxins within the gastrointestinal tract. These bubbles will be like mobile and compartmentalized ‘mini-dialysis machines’ that will be conveniently excreted from the body, avoiding the use of invasive medical devices. Delivering these hydrogels in a patient-friendly bubble tea drink would provide a means of minimizing the physically and psychologically draining dialysis treatment.  

  • Mike Robinson

    Innovation expert, serial entrepreneur, UW EIR​

    Developed products that have generated over $2B in global revenue​

    Helped 12 startups raise over $60M in grant and equity funding​

    Co-founded 5 different UW spin-offs that have successfully raised outside money


  • Mari Winkler

    BSci & MSci in Chemistry, PhD in Biotechnology​

    Associate Professor at University of Wasington, experience in sales management responsible for €70M​/year

    Raised over $12M for hydrogel research​
